peter huebner • micro music laboratories
M E D I C A L   R E S O N A N C E   T H E R A P Y   M U S I C®
R E D U C T I O N   O F   P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L   M A N I F E S T A T I O N S   O F   S T R E S S



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Peter Hübner
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Research Fields Summary



Sleep Disorders




Medication Consumption


Dispersion of Stress

Faster Recovery



Cardiovascular System

Hormone / Immune System

The Mental State


Radiation Sickness


Multiple Sclerosis



Cerebral & Nervous System

Mental & Sensory Abilities


Pregnancy and Birth



Concentration / Memory

Courage to Face Life



Mother & Child

Neurophysiological &
Sensory Disorders


Vital Energy



Astronomy of Mind EQ x IQ

Hall of Harmony

International Experts

Educational Program

Scientific Research

International Media

International Congresses


Application to the University



Scientific Studies and Clinical Observations
  • Reducing anxiety during labour in women with an initial inactivity of uterine contractility: The treatment with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® resulted in a significant change of the hormonal situation – the beta-endorphin value dropped by 6.05 units and also ACTH showed a tendency to decrease – the hyperproductive hormone system was calmed and a more balanced state established.
  • Release of reactive anxiety in older patients with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: The anxiety levels were evaluated using the Spielberger-Khanin-Scale, documenting the following effects of the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® – after the relaxing music a re­duc­tion of the reactive anxiety by 4 units (±0.8) was registered and after the activating music a reduction by 6 units (±0.65).
  • Improvement of restless and melancholy emotional states in pregnant women under threat of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy: The improvement in the mood and the general state stood at 87% of the reports. At the end of the treatment with the MRT-Music® the mental state of 69,2% of the women was normal again; there was no incidence of a deterioration in the mental state.
  • Improvement of the general mental state in women with a mild OPH-syndrome: In 10 of the 13 women (77%) the treatment with the music caused a clear improvement of the mental state.
  • Calming of the fetus during labour: Acceleration and deceleration of fetal heart beat reduced – the fetus was calmed.
  • Improving reaction precision in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding reaction precision the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.
  • Enhanced psychomotoric speed in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding psychomotoric speed the per­form­ance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 9,6% on average.
  • Improved visual-motoric co-ordination in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding visual-motoric co-ordination the performance had improved after 10 treat­ments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.
  • Reducing irritability and improving composure in children with diabetes: 80% of them experienced in this way a significant reduction of their irritability and showed greater com­po­sure.
  • Reducing the level of the stress hormone cortisol in pregnant women under threat of miscarriage: The level of cor­ti­sol reduced by 36% in this group – double as much as in the medical drug group – while the progesterone level doubled, four times as much as in the control group.
  • Regular and deep relaxation in patients with a psychovegetative syndrome: All patients reported of a regular and very deep relaxation as well as of a redeeming improvement of sleep. They experienced the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® as very comfortable and of strong effectiveness and characterized it as a kind of “heal­ing mu­sic”.
  • Deep relaxation in patients with severe migraine: At the end of the clinical observation 56% ex­peri­enced a regular deep relaxation through the treatment with MRT-Music®.
  • Normalisation of mental functions after uterine fibromyom surgery: By the treatment with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® within the context of the com­plex therapy great changes in the mental pro­file took place: in 77,8% of the factors a complete normalization established; in 11,1% of the factors a significant improvement became evident; in 11,1% of the factors a deterioration occurred.
  • Release of psycho-physiological manifestations of stress in older patients with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: The patients experienced very often a deep muscular relaxation combined with a sen­sa­tion of warmth and with ease and sleepiness. Furthermore the symptoms “bad mood“, “leth­argy“, “tension“ and “touchiness“ were sig­nifi­cantly reduced or even completely released. Over and over again they reported of a re­lease of stress, of the acquisition of distance from unpleasant things, the experience of gentleness, inner peace, a kind of freedom from care and a spiritual state of mind.
  • Improvement of the psychosomatic status of children suffering from radiation sickness: The evaluation of the Spielberger-Khanin scale documented in all children: a clear release of stress; a great reduction in fear about the possibility of an unsuccessful out­come of the treatment of the illness; a decrease in worry and inhibitions and a decrease in nervous reactions.
  • Improved mental state in women after vacuum aspiration: After the treatment complete normalization of the mental functions was reestablished again in 22,2% of the women, in 44,4% a clear im­prove­ment could be documented, no change took place in 11,1% and 22,3% of the women experienced a certain degeneration.
  • Improvement of the mental state / self-sudgment of the success of the epilepsy treatment: The application of the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® Group were considered by the patients in 90% of the treatments as suc­cess­ful.
  • Improvement of the mental state in the intervals between epileptic seizures: Changes in the interparoxysmal state were documented in 67,7% of the patients of this group as positive, in 23,5% as undefined and in 8,8% as negative.
  • Improvement of the functional asymmetry of the brain in epilepsy sufferers: The dynamics of the integral parameter (IPFA) was positive in 73,3% of the patients of this group, in 20% it was undefined and in 6,7% it was negative.
  • Improvement of the individual profile of the functional brain asymmetry in women under vacuum aspiration: In 55,5% of the patients we could see a posi­tive dynamic, in 11,1% a negative dynamic. In 33,4% no essential change could be ob­served.
  • Reducing sleep disorders in diabetes patients: 16 women with diabetes mellitus (Type I, in­su­lin dependent) complaining of sleep disorder listened for 8-12 days 30-40 minutes each to Medical Resonance Therapy Music®. 13 out of them (81%) reported of a significant reduction of their sleep disorder.
  • Reducing hormonal manifestations of stress during labour: The treatment with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® resulted in a significant change of the hormonal situation: the beta-endorphin value dropped by 6.05 units and also ACTH showed a tendency to decrease – the hy­per­pro­duc­tive hormone system was calmed, hor­mo­nal manifestations of stress reduced and a more balanced state established.
  • Activation of anti-oxidising processes in patients with severe radiation sickness and autonomic neural cerebrovascular disorders: Regression of spontaneous chemo-luminosity and malonic aldehyt levels in blood by 70% with a simultaneous rise in the erythrocid resistance to peroxide of 52% and a har­moni­za­tion of the amplitudinal characteristics of the electrical potentials of the skin. These pa­rame­ters mark an effective reduction of stress.
  • Reduction of the stress hormone cortisol after gynaecological surgery: Before surgery – By treating the women before operation with Medical Resonance Therapy Music® cortisol level sank by 39% – more than four times as much as in the medication group. After surgery – At the end of the postoperative treatment, which means at the 10th-12th day, the cortisol content in blood was reduced by factor 2,4 (60%), in the control group this factor was 1,7 (41%) compared to the initial level.
  • Reducing the level of the stress hormone cortisol in pregnant women under threat of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy: As can be seen in the chart the level of cor­ti­sol reduced by 36% in this group – double as much as in the medical drug group – while the progesterone level doubled, four times as much as in the control group.
  • Increased strength and a more harmonic rhythm of uterine contractions: Significant changes could only be docu­mented in this group: the initial weak con­trac­tions of the uterus increased in strength by 60% on average and got more harmonious in rhythm.
  • Effects of the medical resonance therapy music® on hemodynamic parameters in children with autonomic nervous system disturbances: The treatments with the Medical Reso­nance Therapy Music® have a clear sympatholythic effect and lead the dis­turbed hemodynamic state of the child back to its healthy age norm. The greater effects of MRT-Music® treat­ments were seen in children with an ini­tial absolute sympatheticotonia.
  • Normalisation of the menstruation cycle normalisation of dysfunctional juvenile uterine haemorrhaging: In 9 girls normalization oc­curred double as quick as in the control group and they could go home already after 5 days.
  • Improved immune status in children with hearing abnormalities and suffering from radiation sickness: Before the treatment the immunogram of the children showed humoral disorders. Two weeks after the treatment the immunogram of 25% of the patients was normal. Normalization re­garded the AMG-factor, cellular immunity and the t- and b-lymphocytes. In the rest of the pa­tients immune status improved clearly.
  • Improving the immune status of pregnant women under the threat of abortion: Clear tendencies for a normalization of the individual values of the immune status could be observed, the positive changes be­ing more obvious than in the control group. After the treatment the percentage of healthy patients in this group was 55%.
  • Imroved hormone status in pregnant women under threat of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy: Cor­ti­sol reduced by 36% in this group – double as much as in the medical drug group – while the progesterone level doubled, four times as much as in the control group.
  • Abstinence from tranquilizers for children with hearing disorders: The children liked the treatment with MRT-Music® very much, for them it was a great subjective and calming experience, especially for the age group 13-14 years. Due to MRT-Music® we did not need to use tranquilizers during the treatment for most of the children.

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